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Bark Painting Boxes

A versatile range of bark painting boxes also suitable for other objects and artworks. Made of NAA approved archival corrugated board, the boxes all have a height of 75mm and exceptionally strong base with all four walls having double thickness (four side rollover). Lid has 50mm depth. Other sizes available on request. Measurements are inside dimensions.

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 405X405mm

Regular price $39.95 (ex GST)
Sold Out

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 405X560mm

Regular price $45.65 (ex GST)

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 405X880mm

Regular price $57.50 (ex GST)

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 405X1180mm

Regular price $74.70 (ex GST)

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 405X1480mm

Regular price $85.45 (ex GST)

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 405X1780mm

Regular price $94.05 (ex GST)

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 405X2080mm

Regular price $78.95 (ex GST)

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 560X560mm

Regular price $49.95 (ex GST)

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 560X880mm

Regular price $63.95 (ex GST)

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 560X1180mm

Regular price $77.95 (ex GST)

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 560X1480mm

Regular price $88.60 (ex GST)

Bark Painting Box, internal dimensions 560X1780mm

Regular price $99.45 (ex GST)